“Support Hong Kong designers! Sponsorship for International Design Awards 2021/22 International Winners Announced”

The Hong Kong Designers Association (HKDA), Sponsorship for International Design Awards 2021/22 (SIDA) under the sponsorship of Create Hong Kong, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, can provide financial aid to encourage Hong Kong designers and local design-applying enterprises to participate in the representative international competitions or awards in order to increase the publicity of Hong Kong design through the SIDA sponsorship scheme. The reimbursement is serving as a reward to the good work, and as an honour and recognition from Create Hong Kong by providing financial reimbursement to Hong Kong designers and local design-applying enterprises who “won the specified international competitions/awards”. The financial aid is based on a list of 35 specified international competitions/awards with 7 design categories (Multi, Graphics, Spatial, Product, Fashion, Digital Media and Design Education). All awards are endorsed by 13 local professional design associations and institutions and design celebrities.
HKDA SIDA 2021/22 is mainly divided into two schemes: “Scheme A: Scheme for Winners of Specified International Competitions/Awards” & “Scheme B: Scheme for Winners of Specified Local Competition/Award to Enter International Competition/Award”. The highest subsidy amount of each design unit is up to HK$200,000 to subsidize their entry fee, courier fee, publication fee (winners’ package), exhibition fee, flight and accommodation fees.
HKDA SIDA 2021/22 can encourage and support young local design talents to develop and expand their own business without worrying about the huge winner promotion expense. Minimize the financial burden of talented local designers and encourage them to enter the international competitions/awards under the government financial support. Cultivate active participation and exchange amongst local and international designers. Many SIDA applicants met with practitioners from around the world in the overseas award presentation, which allows you to exchange design insights and keep abreast of the most updated industry knowledge.
300+ applications, 4 million grants have been approved!
This year's HKDA SIDA has already filled up and closed. More than 300 applications have been received, and a total of more than 4 million grants have been approved. At the same time, many Hong Kong design works have won international awards. Be sure to pay attention to, continue to support and promote local designs!
14 days International Winners Biennial Exhibition has been successfully held!
In order to further promote Hong Kong design, the Association has held the "Biennial Exhibition" at K11 Art Mall to display the award-winning works of various international design awards won by Hong Kong designers. The purpose is to encourage more designers to devote themselves to creation to enhance public awareness of design and Hong Kong's design status among. Those excellent works which attracted many visitors.
Winners' Sharing Hybrid Seminars shared their creative inspiration!
HKDA SIDA also successfully held two Winners' Sharing Hybrid Seminars in May 2023. HKDA invited Hong Kong designers who have won international design awards to share “How to introduce my design to the public and market?”, “How to be the most outstanding design in the market?” and “How to promote my brand internationally?”
Want to know more details? Please visit our website.
International Winners Showcase:https://sida.hkda.hk/showcase/
Contact No.:2527 3968