WÖHR Parking Systems Australia
The city of Heilbronn sets further milestones for a sustainable urban development and is building a fully automated bicycle parking system from WÖHR.
WÖHR Parking Systems Australia
The excellent project "Neckarbogen" in Heilbronn was awarded the “National Award for Building Culture in Baden-Württemberg 2020”.
WÖHR Parking Systems Australia
We have added the models of the Parklift 461, 462 and 463 to our BIM-downloads. Starting from now the new BIM models can be downloaded in various dimensions from our website and be integrated immediately into your 3D planning!
WÖHR Parking Systems Australia
The Region of Stuttgart and their partners including WÖHR won´t be participating in the MIPIM fair in Cannes, France in June 2020.
WÖHR Parking Systems Australia
Melbourne, Shadow Play: High rack for 150 cars in the Multiparker 740.
WÖHR Parking Systems Australia
WÖHR Multiparker 740 in the Skytower Victoria One - economising on space in the highest residential building in Melbourne CBD core
WÖHR Parking Systems Australia
Through our international projects, WÖHR is actively advancing the Green Parking paradigm.
WÖHR Parking Systems Australia
We proudly present: our new website!
WÖHR Parking Systems Australia
Bikesafe is the rapid way to park your bike automatically which is both safe and space-saving.
WÖHR Parking Systems Australia
The WÖHR Multiparker 740 under the Donnersbergerstraße in Munich has already performed more than 1,000,000 parking operations since its commissioning in 2006.