Located in the heart of Canberra’s parliamentary precinct, National Circuit comprises a range of commercial buildings occupied by government departments and corporate tenants.
The 2017 Grenfell Tower fire in London put combustible building materials, legislation, and industry practices under the spotlight, and highlighted the fatal failings of the combustible materials used in the external wall.
CeramaPANEL compressed fibre cement is a cellulose material inspired by natural rock and earth formations that replicates the sense of organic materials.
Fairview’s aluminium cladding scheme Ecoloop, has recently been accredited under the Australian Government Voluntary Product Stewardship Scheme. So, what exactly does this mean?
Vitradual’s versatility is achieved due to the combination of high-quality considerations and industry leading components during its design and manufacture. It is an ideal product for Type A and B developments where non-combustible building material
Otis Worldwide Corporation (NYSE: OTIS) has named Bryant Henson as Executive Vice President, Global Strategy & Business Development effective January 10. Henson will report directly to Otis President & CEO, Judy Marks.
Otis’ eCall Plus allows passengers to control the elevator through an easy-to-install smartphone application. The solution eliminates the need to touch physical buttons; promoting passenger safety.
Connectivity, sustainability and inclusivity are among the trends that will be discussed during MIPIM, the world's leading real estate market event, starting March 15.
Arts Project Australia — a proud, strong and unapologetic social entreprise — is central to contemporary arts practice in Melbourne through providing art studios and services for artists with intellectual disabilities.
The ‘U House’ is a contemporary extension & renovation of a period home, originally built in the 1920’s, in the inner-city suburb of Thornbury, Melbourne.
ATDC has just released its exciting new range of shopfront doors and has published this on its website at https://www.trellisdoors.com.au/products/commercial-security