At Archant, we believe great design breaks down the barriers of perceived limitations. With decadent appeal, this project reveals how using just two separate patterns of porcelain can come together in spectacular fashion.
Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs) provide crucial orientation cues to assist the estimated 575,000 Australians, classified as blind or vision impaired, navigate the public environment safely.
Achieving a AAAC (Association of Australasian Acoustical Consultants) 6 Star (LnT’w 40) acoustic impact rating in most apartments is possible. However, there are certain things you need to be aware of to ensure compliance.
Nature-lovers will delight over our Natural Oasis design which brings the outdoors inside to give the feeling of bathing in a rainforest, rather than a suburban bathroom
Our Monochrome Magic design is inspired by the enduring combination of black and white, brought to life in a sleek, classy bathroom that oozes sophistication