Do you enjoy using vivid colours and perhaps even flirt with fluorescent shades in your interiors, designs and art? Perhaps you love how these colours make you feel and revel in the bold statement they make. Well, muted colours can also have this effect when used strategically.
GP Plus is a corrugated modular system in multiwall polycarbonate for the realization of skylights and translucent flat roofs combined with corrugated panels in a single application.
Studies have been thoroughly conducted through the years to determine design and functionality of street furniture placement in different landscape situations.
20 boutique apartments and 6 retail tenancies have recently been completed for Match at South Terrace. The project was a collaboration between Cameron Chisholm Nicol and David Barr Architects.
What once was an un-renovated workers cottage hosting the best light and views from the bathroom, has now been transformed into a flexible two-storey home with a line up of light fittings that are refined and seamless.
Wanting to make your home more sustainable to benefit both people and the planet is a mind shift many of us have already made. But how do we get started and what can we action now?
Selected Grifco commercial door operators are now myQ compatible which means they can be controlled right from your smartphone. You’ll know when a door has been left open and can close it with a tap, no matter where you are.