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Cora Bike Rack > Updates > Parking Reform is Key to Building Bike-Friendly Cities | PeopleForBikes
Parking Reform is Key to Building Bike-Friendly Cities | PeopleForBikes
24 Jan 2023 by Cora Bike Rack
An interesting read and friendly look at parking reform and how it can be key to building bike-friendly cities.
“In order to build safe, convenient bike networks, we need to rethink how we allocate public space and specifically, how we prioritize parking.”
Read on to see what transportation advocates are campaigning in the US. A critical example of how a network of protected bike lanes and multi-use paths is a better overall investment for a city and it’s people.
Cora Bike Rack is a family owned business that has been devoted to improving Australia’s cycling infrastructure since 1997. We are also cycling enthusiasts and believe that by designing better bicycle parking products, people will want to ride their bikes to more places, more often – and that’s a good thing for everyone!All of our products have been thoughtfully designed in Australia for ease of use, ease of installation and attractive aesthetics. Cora Bike Rack is currently the only Australian supplier to offer EcoSpecifier certified bicycle parking products.If you are an Architect or Builder, we understand the new DA and Green Star conditions that now require AS2890.3 compliant bicycle parking facilities. As a significant contributor to the new Standard, we provide expert advice to create bike room layouts using compliant products and spacings to ensure your clients are happy and your project a success.If you are a Local Council, Transport Authority, Building Manager, Owners Corporation, University or School, we can provide a flexible, well‐planned bike parking facility for your commuters, customers, employees, residents, and students.Cora Bike Rack supplies and delivers door to door across Australia, and our product guarantees and prices are the best in the industry.We look forward to learning more about your bicycle parking requirements and helping you choose the best solution available. We also encourage you to become your own bike parking expert by reading our free White Paper and if you have any questions or comments, please contact us