31 Jan 2023 by DRIZORO Scientific Waterproofing Products
DRIZORO Scientific Waterproofing Products
Drizoro Construction Products have been used by builders across Australia to solve all of their masonry waterproofing and repair issues since 1993.Drizoro has secured their position in the market place by maintaining the highest standards in production in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, guaranteeing the best possible products for the job.The Maxseal range of waterproofing products are suitable for sealing masonry retaining walls, swimming pools, water tanks, roof decks, planter boxes, permanent form-work, fibro-cement etc. These products are also used for sealing against static pressure in basements, tunnels etc, where Maxplug is essential for stopping actual flowing water.Many government departments and local councils turn to Drizoro to solve their waterproofing issues.