Explore the Design Behind the Immersive, Nature-Based Stay Experience of Bobobox Cabin 3.0
Bobobox unveils its latest cabin design, Cabin 3.0, inviting guests into a more immersive, nature-based experience while staying.
Ondusolar Tile, Solar Panel dengan Sistem BIPV dari Onduline
Seiring meningkatnya kesadaran akan isu lingkungan hidup, banyak orang mulai menggunakan alternatif material dengan energi terbarukan, salah satunya solar panel. Ondusolar Tile merupakan kombinasi produk fotovoltaik dengan bahan konstruksi yang dapat menggantikan bahan bangunan tradisional.
The Harmonisation of Javanese Culture and Scandinavian Style in Javandi House
The Javandi House concept is simplifying Javanese architectural designs into a modern form with strong traditional impression.
Fabian Tan Architect Creates a Monolithic yet Playful Extension to a Terraced House in Kuala Lumpur
Although terraced house often represents a mass production for dwellings, there are many ways design intervention could give this building typology a more personalised touch. Bewboc House by Fabian Tan Architect displays an interesting design intervention to a young family’s terraced house in Kuala Lumpur.
6 Simple Ways to Design A Warm and Inviting Café with Cosy Atmosphere
When it comes to a café, creating a cosy atmosphere is the most essential aspect for attracting guests and making them feel welcome.
6 Environmentally Friendly Building Alternatives to Concrete
Our beautiful blue and green world is becoming greyer with every passing year. After water, concrete is the most commonly consumed substance on Earth.
Dicari! Arsitektur Disain Atap Rumah Berkelanjutan, Sayembara Dibuka Hingga 30 Agustus 2023
Produsen atap bitumen ramah lingkungan Onduline, PT Onduline Indonesia kembali mengundang para profesional arsitek, disainer, pengembang properti, pelaksana dan perancang bangunan, baik perorangan maupun proyek untuk ambil bagian dalam sayembara disain konstruksi atap bangunan berkelanjutan (sustainable construction) bertajuk Onduline Green Roof Award (OGRA) 2023 Asia.
Our Insightful Articles
Pada 16 November 2020, HOMEDEC kembali hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan renovasi dan furnishing rumah. Mengingat kondisi pandemi, HOMEDEC yang biasanya diselenggarakan dalam bentuk pameran tahun ini berkolaborasi dengan salah satu marketplace terbesar di Indonesia, yaitu Tokopedia untuk mengadakan online fair. “Tahun ini, HOMEDEC bekerja sama dengan Tokopedia sebagai perusahaan teknologi Indonesia dengan marketplace terdepan menghadirkan cara baru berpameran melalui platform online untuk membantu mengembangkan bisnis bahkan di saat pandemi,” jelas Linda Leoni, Senior Manager Regional Business Development PT CIS Exhibition.
With the development of material technology these days, architects and interior designers are enabled to deliver designs of various ambiance and forms. In many cases, this convenience ends with instant designs, which are done without thoughtful considerations and only to pursue trending looks and forms. It is no wonder that many designs these days are alike, if not, mundane, and at times without a context.
Setiap orang tua tentu ingin yang terbaik untuk anaknya. Khususnya bagi si kecil yang sedang dalam masa pertumbuhan, menyediakan ruang bermain, belajar, dan istirahat yang menyenangkan penting agar anak merasa nyaman dan tumbuh optimal. Apalagi di masa pandemi saat ini, ketika hampir seluruh aktivitas anak berada dalam rumah, lingkungan yang sehat juga menjadi prioritas.
Kompetisi Desain Interior dengan Total Hadiah Puluhan Juta Rupiah! Di masa pandemi seperti ini, anak-anak hampir sepanjang hari menghabiskan waktu di rumah, khususnya di kamar tidur, ruang belajar, dan ruang bermain. Karena itu, keberadaan dan suasana ruang-ruang tersebut menjadi penting untuk diperhatikan.
Sitting on a generous 3,500-square-metre land plot, House68 is a private residence that tries to integrate its surrounding natural feature seamlessly. The architecture firm, Design Collective Architects (DCA) takes a bold viewpoint of how a building in the tropics should be, “Tropical architecture is not to shield and protect the users from the elements but to enhance the experience and bridge the relationship between them.”
With its location being in Ubud, Bali, Titik Dua Ubud Hotel has the potential to position itself as a destination hotel. What is more interesting is that this hotel’s location is adjacent to an art gallery, which the architect, andramatin, tries not to interfere. As the main land plot of the hotel is behind the gallery, the architect decided to elevate the entrance and create a 45-metre bridge that sits right above the gallery for the guests to reach the main building.
Just before the Covid-19 outbreak, the development of office space had reached the point of being an open, feature-rich, flexible, and comfortable space that was believed to increase the productivity of the present-day work. Many companies providing this kind of office was deemed a perfect model of today’s corporate environment, especially when it is compared to the appalling “cubicle farm” office that thrives some decades ago.
Lixil Indonesia kembali mengadakan sayembara arsitektur yang bekerja sama dengan Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) Nasional. Dengan tema Light and Shadow in Low Rise Apartment, sayembara ini mencoba melakukan eksplorasi desain tipologi hunian vertikal yang kini cukup banyak diminati. Sayembara ini juga menggali bagaimana hunian vertikal bertingkat rendah memaksimalkan pemanfaatan cahaya alami untuk ruang dalam hunian, mengingat aspek ini sangat jarang dipertimbangkan dalam proyek nyata.
From the outside, Bioclimatic Community Mosque of Pamulang does not display any common features of a typical Indonesian mosque. Instead of a minaret or a dome, this building is distinguished by the two-coloured stacked porous façade, topped with a massive vessel-shaped roof. This mosque is located within a university complex, serving as a place of worship and a community centre for the campus’ communities and the surrounding neighbourhoods.
Setelah berlangsung di Jakarta, BYO Living bersama Archify kembali mengadakan 1000 Jalinan Peduli di Kota Bandung awal September lalu. Dengan dasar mendukung usaha F&B lokal, kegiatan ini merangkul tiga coffeeshop antara lain KILOGRAM, Blue Doors Coffee, dan Jati.
With the potential of being a supporting node of a popular destination, SHAU shapes Microlibrary Warak Kayu to reflect the local narrative. As its name suggests, warak is derived from warak ngedong—a local dragon-like mythical creature, which happens to be represented by the diamond-patterned timber façade. Furthermore, the use of stilt structure and mostly timber material embody the character of many traditional houses in Indonesia. This contextualised building brings affinity and appeal to the neighbourhoods and the visitors.
Pada 19 Agustus 2020, Ku Casa mengadakan pre-launch koleksi furnitur terbaru yang bertajuk Origins Collection 2020. Koleksi ini mengambil inspirasi dari kekayaan alam negara asal kedua pendiri Ku Casa—Ari Sanjaya dan Laurence Howell—yaitu Indonesia dan Australia. Kekayaan alam seperti laut, hutan hujan tropis di Indonesia, hamparan tanah dan batuan di Australia, serta langit senja, diterjemahkan menjadi pemilihan warna untuk elemen furnitur bergaya modern era 50an sampai 80an.