Ondusolar Tile, Solar Panel dengan Sistem BIPV dari Onduline
Seiring meningkatnya kesadaran akan isu lingkungan hidup, banyak orang mulai menggunakan alternatif material dengan energi terbarukan, salah satunya solar panel. Ondusolar Tile merupakan kombinasi produk fotovoltaik dengan bahan konstruksi yang dapat menggantikan bahan bangunan tradisional.
Explore the Design Behind the Immersive, Nature-Based Stay Experience of Bobobox Cabin 3.0
Bobobox unveils its latest cabin design, Cabin 3.0, inviting guests into a more immersive, nature-based experience while staying.
The Harmonisation of Javanese Culture and Scandinavian Style in Javandi House
The Javandi House concept is simplifying Javanese architectural designs into a modern form with strong traditional impression.
Fabian Tan Architect Creates a Monolithic yet Playful Extension to a Terraced House in Kuala Lumpur
Although terraced house often represents a mass production for dwellings, there are many ways design intervention could give this building typology a more personalised touch. Bewboc House by Fabian Tan Architect displays an interesting design intervention to a young family’s terraced house in Kuala Lumpur.
6 Simple Ways to Design A Warm and Inviting Café with Cosy Atmosphere
When it comes to a café, creating a cosy atmosphere is the most essential aspect for attracting guests and making them feel welcome.
Five Reasons Why You Will Love Having Spiral Staircase in Your Home
If you plan to live in a multi-storey dwelling or a loft apartment, you will need to decide the staircase design that you want to implement in your home. With so many interior design styles trending nowadays, there are plentiful options of staircase design to choose from, one of them being a spiral staircase. Here we give you some spiral staircase inspirations and reasons why you will love having it in your home. Check them out!
IndoBuildTech Expo 2023 Resmi Dibuka
Digelar Lebih Besar, Hadirkan Solusi Kebutuhan Konstruksi dan Renovasi Bangunan, Dorong Percepatan Indonesia Maju Melalui Sektor Material
Our Insightful Articles
How does one design a well-featured and spacious hotel room in a 12.5 square metre space? While there are various approaches in designing for compact spaces to function well and still feel expansive, Yotel Singapore chooses to draw the inspiration from a plane cabin design, hence the guestrooms are referred to as the “cabins”.
Normally, within an apartment unit or a house, there should be at least an enclosed room with a door separated from the rest of the unit’s interior. In a project named after the sole owner, Alex, Spacedge Designs challenges the need of a door, even the need of a separated room in the first place. “In a space for one, there is technically no need for doors within the flat,” says William Chan of Spacedge Designs.
Terjadinya pandemi Covid-19 di seluruh dunia saat ini membawa disrupsi besar di berbagai sektor usaha. Setelah enam bulan pandemi berlangsung, banyak pakar dan peneliti yang masih menyuarakan ketidakpastian akan kondisi mendatang. Salah satu sektor yang tidak luput dari pengaruh Covid-19 tentunya adalah sektor konstruksi dan termasuk di dalamnya para profesional di bidang arsitektur dan desain.
A prototype of micro house developed by Aaksen Responsible Aarchitecture, AAND Sayana is designed to be fully assembled within three weeks.
Biro arsitektur asal Surabaya, SB301 Office, meluncurkan permainan arcade perdana mereka berjudul 301ARCADE. Bagi biro ini, wujud arsitektur tidak melulu harus tertuang dalam bentuk objek yang terbangun dan tidak menutup kemungkinan dalam bentuk permainan sebagai media yang dapat menjangkau orang banyak.
As one of the prominent brands of local coffee in Indonesia, Titik Temu has opened its most recent branch in Ubud. Being the second branch on the island, the shop is designed with a similar approach yet resulted in a distinctive character compared to the original branch in Seminyak.
Banyak hal positif yang tetap dapat dilakukan di tengah pandemi Covid-19 saat ini, salah satunya adalah berbagi. Pada Mei 2020, BYO Living berinisiasi mengadakan kegiatan 1000 Jalinan Peduli sebagai bentuk kepedulian dan silaturahmi dengan sesama praktisi arsitektur dan desain.
For years of history in Indonesia, a weaving technique has been utilised in numerous forms and purposes. Dated back to even before the colonial era, local people in different islands of Nusantara had shared similar weaving products in traditional clothing, ornaments, as well as parts of their vernacular architecture. Gedek, or woven bamboo sheets, for example, was an essential element to many traditional houses—enveloping of the houses’ interior.
Salah satu sektor utama yang paling membutuhkan dukungan di tengah pandemi Covid-19 saat ini adalah sektor kesehatan. Seperti yang diketahui, pemenuhan kebutuhan APD (Alat Pelindung Diri) bagi para tenaga medis masih menjadi prioritas untuk merawat para pasien yang terjangkit Covid-19. PT Petrojaya Boral Plasterboard, atau Jayaboard, ikut mengambil langkah membantu memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut melalui penggalangan dana lewat penjualan buku desain.
While many residential designs are competing on coming up with unique shapes for houses, Adit Haus by Office S A stands out with its simple shape. Located on the outskirts of Bandung, this house has a common appearance—a façade with a combination of rectangular and triangular shapes.
Lyf Funan Singapore is a response to the growing trend of co-living, lifestyle, and travel habits among millennials. The hotel/co-living space was designed with young people’s social life in mind so there are plenty of spaces to mingle and to take pictures for social media.
When talking about accommodation in a holiday destination like Bali, the spotlights are typically on the luxury, the eco-friendliness, or the cultural elements. On the other end however, more hostels and similar accommodation catering adventurers and budget travellers are getting better than just a place to sleep. Moreover, in the era of experiential travel, budget and space limitations are no longer an excuse for hospitality businesses not to provide immersive and local vibes that many travellers seek today.