HPL Pelangi
Ada beberapa orang yang kurang suka dengan desain open space, karena tidak ada batasan antara ruang satu dan ruang lainnya. Walau memberi kesan luas, namun tidak adanya sekat yang memisahkan justru membuat rasa privasi hilang. Maka tidak heran banyak
Gunakan material alami yang aman untuk mewujudkan ruangan yang nyaman dan sehat
HPL Pelangi
Tahukah kamu kalau ada beberapa tren desain interior dapur yang belakangan ini banyak sekali dilirik dan jadi ulasan. Sebenarnya ini tidak terlalu mengherankan mengingat dapur adalah area yang menjadi jantung rumah dan punya banyak elemen yang
ELT has four variations of door stoppers that can be adapted to the door model currently in use. What are the four variations? Come on, let's find out now.
Optimalkan ruang dengan menggunakan aplikasi dinding partisi dan plafon pada ruang tidur anda
Luci EFRO is a mid-power and high-efficacy light ideal for both interior cove lighting, bathroom, and exterior landscape and facade.
ARG Communications, a leading provider of business telephone systems, VoIP, voice data and fiber cabling, and video surveillance in and around Delaware and Philadelphia, Penn., chose VIVOTEK and a total of 38 of its indoor and outdoor security soluti
Delta Power Solutions
Delta MCIS has completed the installation of NH-Plus 120kVA UPS systems for Metalloinvest, a leading global producer and supplier of HBI and iron ore products, and a regional producer of high quality steel in Russia.
The client required a flexible, scalable, cost-effective and reliable UPS solution for the entire Metalloinvest’s business infrastructure. Delta passed the preliminary assessments out of several leading companies participating in the bid, and finally overcame its competitors by offering the best quality-to-price ratio.
“The project proved successful in terms of benefits, including return on investment (ROI). This success may lead to a future scale-up and installation of additional UPS systems,” commented a Metalloinvest’s representative. The client also highlighted that the project was completed within the initially approved budget and deadlines
“We want our customers to be satisfied with Delta solutions. This is why the emphasis in our work is put on quality-to-price ratio, as well as on supporting our partners and clients,” said Mikhail Grebennikov, director of UPS and Data Center Solutions at Delta Energy Systems (Russia).
The Modulon NH Plus Series is the next generation of modular uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems. The series’ N+X module and built-in system redundancy maintain a steady, reliable source of energy with a high efficiency level of up to 94%. The hot-swappable feature ensures that the mean time to repair (MTTR) is close to zero, which helps lower the total cost of ownership (TCO) in terms of both capital expense and operating expense. The NH Plus Series sets a new standard for the protection of mission critical applications.
Lantai vinyl terbuat dari bahan Polivinil Klorida (PVC) ditambah dengan beberapa senyawa kimia. Untuk senyawa menyesuaikan pada karakteristik dari material, seperti warna, kelenturan, dan kilaunya. Pada postingan kali ini kami akan menjabarkan