‘Women’s Mental Health in Construction’ Study Needs You
The general aim of the wide-scale study is to achieve wellbeing targets for this minority group. The research team anticipates its findings will help industry, government and the wider public understand the nature of the challenges faced by the female workforce and their effects, with the aim of establishing coping mechanisms that could be applied to the industry as a whole.
The study aligns with the current Construction Sector Transformation Plan to lift overall performance and improve the sector’s wellbeing (MBIE, 2020). The research group holds similar aspirations and is hoping to help reduce workplace mental health issues for women and create a more supportive work environment.
If you would like to help with this study, the research team is looking for interview candidates with a minimum of one year’s experience in the construction industry, within the last five years.
Email: marcela.brauner@aut.ac.nz